Rural Cottage Garden

Our Client had recently moved into this beautiful converted agricultural building with stunning views onto lush green fields.  With a completely blank canvas our clients hoped to transform their garden into a relaxing space to retreat on evenings and weekends. With open views to the landscape beyond the garden was exposed to the weather come rain, wind and shine so planting had to be fairly hardy. Perennials including Allium hollandicum Purple Sensation, Euphorbia palustris, Cirsium rivulare Atropurpureum and grasses:

Stipa elegantissima, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’ were planted in great swathes to create full garden beds that look good all year round, with seed heads and grasses creating drama in the winter months.


Paving was laid outside the patio doors from the lounge with a simple pergola above to provide some shelter from the strong summer sun.  More planting around this area ensures that views from inside makes the garden flow from inside to out.  Compacted gravel paths lead around the garden to another seating area where a traditional fence creates a boundary, planted with mixed hedgerow which once grown will create a low screen with views over into the farmers fields.



A bespoke office come garden room was designed and built by our team to provide an extra room with a clear outlook onto the garden.  Adjacent and attached to the building, hidden from site is a second pergola housing a fire heated hot tub.

Within the centre of the garden a circular, hand-built, dry stone wall – set with gravel – makes room for a sunken fire pit providing a stunning focal point from all areas of the garden especially in an evening providing atmospheric flickering light to this beautiful cottage garden.